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Residential Installations

Residential Installations

Cost-Effective, reliable and sustainable energy for your home

For our residential solar installation service, Solar Districts, offers a comprehensive solution to generate, store, and manage renewable solar energy on your terms. We have a wealth of experience in delivering sustainable energy and only work with the most advanced and reliable solar technology providers to ensure that you receive the best quality products available.

Our approach empowers you to choose sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy options.

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For immediate assistance, call us directly during our normal business hours: 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 9am to 6pm on Saturday and Sunday. The staff at Solar District is highly trained to serve you with expertise, respect and exceptional customer service. Our expert technicians will help you gather the necessary information to provide you a free quote for your solar energy and roofing projects.

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Benefits of going Solar


Solar Energy is Free

With electricity prices constantly rising, more and more households are making the switch to energy saving alternatives, such as solar PV systems and energy saving lighting. As electricity prices continue to increase (as coal prices rise), solar power becomes less expensive (as silicon prices fall).

Reduce your Power Bill

Once your Smart Energy Solar system has been installed, the sun’s energy is absolutely free, allowing you to enjoy considerable savings on your electricity bills. Better still, if solar energy covers 100% of your electricity needs, there’ll be no electricity bills at all.

Solar Energy is Green

Solar electricity is a renewable resource which won’t run out. A 1kW solar system generates approximately 25% of the electricity used in the average household. Smart Energy Solar Systems can be tailored to meet part or all of your electricity needs.

Harness the power of the sun for your business

Virtually unlimited power is available from our nearest star, the Sun. In just one hour, our planet receives more energy from the sun than the entire world uses during an entire year. Electricity-producing solar panels have only been around for the last 60 years, yet they have completely transformed how we harness solar energy

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